Ucorr offers many cathodic protection (CP) system services/survey technologies to evaluate the condition of existing CP systems in both land and marine environments and determine the deficiencies and required improvements of CP systems. Potential surveys, continuity testing, current requirement testing, and other system evaluation testing can be conducted by Ucorr's certified field engineers and technicians. State-of-the-art technologies with submeter GPS accuracy are utilized to conduct Close-Interval Potential Surveys (CIPS), create potential profiles of pipeline alignments, and monitor the adequacy of corrosion protection of pipeline alignments with respect to client specifications and current standards. Electromagnetic surveys are also utilized to identify coating fault locations, electrical shorts, and stray current interference issues on buried pipelines.
Along with CP system evaluation services, Ucorr offers CP system design services including both Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems and Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection (GACP) systems. Ucorr's experienced design engineers will develop the most suitable protection and monitoring systems that minimize cost and protect client's assets from potential corrosion degradation.